For integral productdevelopment you can come to Promolding. Our strenghts is that we are a centre of knowledge, developer and producent in one. From productdesign to production and assembly.
Through all phases and at all levels our specialists work together in multidisciplinary teams.
We work from your expectations and ideas, where practical and innovative solutions stands in the middle. Together we look to the manufacturability and the costs. With this unique mix of very experienced material-,proces- en production technologists, our designers are able to develop special and successful products for u.

In the design phase, your ideas are being combined with the knowledge and expertise of Promolding resulting in a creative and unique concept.
We will listen carefully to every requirement and wishes regarding the product that you have and we deliver a clear and practical product feature summary. Based on this summary, our designers will create a new solution together with you. Promolding will be using clear visuals and specifications as part of our advice and support.
It’s very important for us to create the best possible design for you.
On the basis of the demands made on the product and the production technique is made from the existing materials. If necessary, a further selection is made by means of material tests, test sprays and prototypes and the feasibility of the product in that material is determined.
The research department of Promolding mainly focuses on polymer research during product development.
Promolding has extensive laboratory facilities but can also make use of many types of research, testing and analysis equipment through good contacts with technical universities (TUD, TUE, UTwente), TNO and various large research institutes in Europe (through our European research projects). to do necessary tests.

It is essential that your virtual computermodel is being converted into a real prototype. Your idea and your vision will be tangible and can be tested to see if it fits your requirements and wishes. A good prototype helps testing your ideas in real life so that the possible risks can be minimized.
Through her European research projects, Promolding has gaines high value knowledge in the field of the newest and state of the art prototype techniques. With this knowledge, we can help you building a prototype that matches the reality and makes your concept tangible.
PRIM (PRinted Injection Mold)
A unique technology from Promolding PRIM (PRinted Injection Mold). A working prototype or final product in just 5 workdays! Not only for design trials, but also to test and validate in an early stage, life cycle availability or just end of life continuity.
- Small series injection molding
- To test and validate in an early stage
- Big product range materials
- Low costs
- Short leadtime

After a prototype has been tested, realization takes place. Not only the mold is designed, but the entire production process, including the coordination of the tools.
There is also intensive interaction between our designers, the materials technologists, the injection molders and the tool maker.
When the mold meets the specifications, test sprays are made. Together with you, these samples will also be inspected. Only after approval the mold will released and transferred to production.
Promolding is one of the few plastic injection molding companies that has an extensive team of product designers, polymer technologists, injection founders and production technologists who can unburden you during the entire product development.
Do you doubt between various plastic injection molding companies and do you need more information?
Let us know, we like to advise you.
We research and analyze the existing process, find the bottlenecks and deliver the solution so that you get the desired products.
Feel free to contact us via the form on this page. You can also contact us by phone: 070 3074730.